Friday, January 25, 2008

Hardcore Runner

This woman has just finished a 15 mile run in the bitter cold, now that is commitment if I have ever seen it :) I know the picture looks a little strange and wish I could post a bigger version of it, but don't have one. The white above her eyes is ice on her eyelashes. I assume the ice formed from steam from her breath and her eyes condensing on her eyelashes. There is ice on the hood of her jacket, I assume that is her frozen sweat. And she is still smiling.

Most of us live in places in the country where we don't have to face the elements quite like this which is very nice. But her commitment is something we will all develop though the training process leading to the Nike Women's Marathon. There will be days when it is hard to get going or it's cold or you don't feel 100%, but it's those days when it is important to get out there and get your workout in. And when you need inspiration, you can look at this woman and think that she has spent 15 miles running through the snow and ice.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Where did you get that picture? I wish I could make it bigger too to see her eyelashes all frozen! Where is she from? That is some good inspiration! Keep it coming!